Thursday, March 14, 2013

Custom Bender Beanie

Most of the time I am pretty used to people requesting their own thing or images of something they want made. It is nothing unusual to me. I like making custom pieces because I feel in today's society we should embrace what we like!

I don't make too many beanies and those I do make, except the owl ones are pretty simple and easy to make so when I got this order, I was pretty excited. It was definitely something I had never made before. Let me introduce you to Igy's Bender beanie that he wanted for his best friend (lucky friend I say):

Bender Beanie

Here is the beanie. I think I am going to need to get hold of a mannequin head somewhere seeing as Igy wants me to do some more beanies for him ;)

It took me a few days to work out the pattern for the beanie itself because I didn't have a pattern for a single crochet beanie. The rest was pretty easy to do.

Bender Beanie   Bender Beanie

Here is close ups of the eyes and the stuffed antenna so that it always stays stiff.


I cannot tell you how much fun it was to make this beanie, even though it actually took me some time to do. I'm very proud of this Bender! I'm even more happy that the client loved it :D

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