Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Straight to the Point Beanies

Now for the most part I don't get in many plain beanie orders so this was a simple but to the point order that I enjoyed spending a weekend doing.

Plain beanie Just a simple, snug, warm and black beanie that I made. I used 100% wool for this and did it in single crochet stitch which actually took me the longest to make. You'd never say but apparently single crochet stitch does take a really long time hehe!!!!

Ear flap beanie DSCF9755 600x800

Another simple black, ear flap beanie with a HOT PINK border and braids. I'm really into fish braiding the braids for beanies when there's two colours involved. It looks so awesome!!!


If you're interested in any beanies, feel free to email me beadiecreations at gmail dot com or message me on the Facebook page !! :)

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