Monday, January 23, 2012

Ribbons for a Wedding

My cousin in Durban recently got hold of me again. We were MIA over the festive season.

She asked me to do a ribbon necklace for her as she is going to a wedding and wants something with ribbons to match the stunning black dress she has (that absolutely looks amazing on her body)!

Adrienne's Necklace: Black ribbon, organza and hemp. Clear/white beads and black beads. Designed toggle clasp.

The necklace. Usually I add beads onto the ribbon itself but here I just made it that you can wrap the beaded hemp around the ribbon if you wanted to.

Close ups:

Adrienne's Necklace: Close up of the clear/white beads.  

A close up of the type of beads I used. These are clear beads with a white bead inside of it. Very different and very cool!

Adrienne's Necklace: Close up of the cross

The cross that I used for the necklace. I've used these crosses before for rosaries for a previous client before as well.

Adrienne's Necklace: Close up of the designed toggle clasp.

A close up of the toggle clasp that I used. Usually I use plain toggle clasps for pieces but seeing as this is a piece to be worn to a wedding, it got a more designed toggle clasp.

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