Thursday, September 20, 2012

One of a kind Patches Bunny

DSCF7937 full profile

This is Patches.

Patches was made for @cupcakemummy.

I was so nervous to do this order because she wanted patches and I was worried I wouldn't be able to do what she had in mind but in the end, this bunny turned out GORGEOUS and I ADORE her!!!!

DSCF7940 bow DSCF7939 side head patch

Here is a close up of her little pink bow (left) and the jean blue patch on her head (right).

I also used the same blue for the patch around her left eye. The patch on her tummy and leg are made with a brighter turquoise-y blue.

DSCF7936 face and patches

Isn't she AMAZING!!!

I used silver and charcoal grey wool scraps, pearly pink buttons for the eyes and pink for the nose/mouth, bow and her tail is also pink.


*Pattern can be found on all about ami!!*

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